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Maged El-Said
Habiba Community
In 1994, Maged El Said was inspired to relocate his family and start a small family-run restaurant by the sea, lovingly called Habiba, in Eygpt. Today Habiba Community has become one of the UN Ecosystem Restoration Camps. In response to social, economic and cultural pressures and several political shocks in the region, Maged eventually adapted the vision towards the greater goal of food security, community building, and a more responsible approach to the environment and tourism. This new tourism type can be employed as a strategy for facilitating sustainable agriculture and food security, local development, social-cultural and environmental conservation, community building, wellbeing, and education. It falls under the umbrella of responsible tourism and abides by the values of regenerative agriculture. Part of this effort is to help protect and secure Bedouin culture from the negative impact of tourism, financially and culturally. Habiba has been working towards an inclusive business model that allows other local players to collaborate and participate in community building.